Monday, March 9, 2015

DOOM and Camp NaNo

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's that time again.

The three month break is over, and it's time to write some stuff. 

I am excited. Like, über excited. I feel like the world is right again now that I am a writing fiend. 

So, DOOM actually started nine days ago, on March 1st, but I didn't find out about it until March 3rd, and I wasted another day deliberating whether or not I wanted to try and catch up with the rest of the bandwagon.

Basically (and thankfully), Doom is NaNoWriMo for busy people (which is now me, because I am a fancy, sophisticated college student). Yes, I will willingly be subjecting myself to the torment/challenge/joy of writing 50,000 words againBUT, this time, my friends, I will have two months. 

That's right folks, I have a stunning two whole months (minus four days because I am late) to do the insane, the barely plausible…


Because why not?

NaNo was what helped me finish my novel. Why not give it another go and finish a second?

For DOOM my main focus will be finishing the second draft of Fool Me Once, because let's be honest here, it needs a lot of work. I'm hoping that Camp NaNo will polish off the remaining words in that, and I'll be able to start editing Stardust for the Workshop, cause as I may have forgotten to mention I AM GOING TO THE WORKSHOP.

At the end of April, I'll be tallying my total words written and I'm hoping to be somewhere in the 60 to 65k region. I don't even know what I'll be doing in May besides obsessively packing for the aforementioned workshop.

Is anyone else going to give Camp NaNo a go? I would love a word war or two sometime.

Really, though… This probably isn't going to seem like the greatest idea in a few weeks.

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