Friday, October 31, 2014

This is Halloween

Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

Greetings, my dearest fiends and freaks.

It's that time of year again.

This is Halloween,
This is Halloween

Probably one of my favorite holidays all year--actually, I really love all holidays, but that isn't the point of this post. Halloween has a special place in my heart because of exactly two reasons (and probably more that I'll edit in later).

1. I can cosplay like nobody's business, and no one looks at me strange.


But no, really. Candy is my one, true love. I could drown in a swimming pool of Nutella and I think I would be alright with that (as long as I've finished my novels first(wow, look at that shameless self promoting. ;) )).

Candy aside (and let's not even mention how little I gathered tonight…) I know you're curious. Who exactly did I dress up as?

Why Emmeth, of course (my brother said I am the epitome of narcissism, which could be true). 

This is me (on the right), Emma (in the middle), and Bethany (on the left). 

Now we've come to the part of the blog post where I attempt to stay up until midnight and write my first days of words with Emma

Wish me luck...

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

*heavy sigh*

Does anyone have the marvelous, beautiful, natural ability to sing whatever you want and sound amazing while doing it? If you do, I envy you. I like to say that when I sing, on a good day, I sound like a dying walrus (which I honestly don't think is an exaggeration). But, I still love to sing, just not in front of people.

I listen to a lot of music while I write and work on school work. Since I live in a house crammed full of people, I don't have much privacy, even behind a closed door. Often, I find myself overwhelmed by the intense desire to belt out the lyrics to songs like 'No Good Deed' and 'Defying Gravity' and 'As Long As You're Mine' and basically every other Wicked song ever.


Anywhoooo, since I have no ability to sing and can't hold a tune to save my life, I compensate by mouthing the words in a flashy, and generally dramatic manner. I find my inner super star is best suppressed by screwing my face up in ugly expressions and flipping my hair around like a mad woman.

I just bought some new headphones. They're fantastic. Like, noise canceling and everything. Unfortunately, they cancel a little too much voice.

Guys. My mom just walked in. 

I have never been this embarrassed.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fire Fixes Everything

After my post last week about testing and stressing, I had a wonderful idea, and, like any normal, rational human-being, I acted on it--I burned my PSAT book.

It would have been way cooler to soak the thing in gasoline first (fwoossshhhh), but I didn't think about that until after.

Mwehe. Guys. Seriously, this was one of the funnest things (and most cathartic too, in a weird way) I've done in a while, which might be kind of sad. Maybe, maybe not. *shrug*

Oh. And… Uh…

WARNING: Don't try this at home? I don't think it's that dangerous, but I guess if you're particularly prone to accidents…


Here's take two (dem shovel skillz tho).

And, finally, the aftermath (please excuse my crappy iPhone photos).


Friday, October 24, 2014

Standardized Tests Suck

Let me tell you a story…

Nine days ago, a stressed young writer sat down in her local high school, surrounded by other not-nearly-as-nervous-seeming-test-takers, no. 2 soft lead pencil and scientific calculator in hand, and dared to take the PSAT/NMSQT.

This stressed young writer hates standardized tests that have a pesky habit of determining the academic future of a person, and as such, had a near panic attack on the way to said local high school. Once the building, a squat, wide complex stinking of opportunity, came into view, all bets were off. Her heart sped up, thudding dully inside her chest, and her palms began to sweat. She walked inside, chewing her bottom lip as if it were her only hope.

While her mother reported the reluctant arrival of her daughter, all our stressed young writer could hear and comprehend was the pounding of her heart. The next ten minutes passed slow (her family was notorious for arriving early) and all she wanted to do was crawl under the nearest blue cushioned chair and hide.

Finally, after an eternity, it was time. Our young writer was lost, with no idea where to go, seeing as she's a homeschooler who only sets foot on high school grounds to take said standardized tests. One, brave, front office worker offered to take the writer, and another home schooled boy, to the testing room. The walk was long, and quite painful in the writer's mind.

Upon arriving to the dreaded testing room, the writer was ushered inside, pushed to a seat in the front row, and given her testing materials. A very long time elapsed, filled with the furious filling in of personal information that will not be disclosed in such a public place at the world wide web--she was grateful though, as it gave her hands time to stop shaking.

Over all, the young writer feels good about how she did. Her overwhelming sense of panic and foreboding was replaced with a strange, fragile calm once the test booklet was opened and she read the first question. Unfortunately, she/we/I won't know just how well (or poorly) she did until December.

Now, with all that backstory out of the way (no, I won't be offended if you skipped all of that (okayiwillbutjustalittlebuthey)), I can get to what I actually wanted to tell you about.

This morning, after my very long, very warm shower, my Mom registered me for the ACT in December… And she's also looking at signing me up for the SAT. In December.

'Yay' does not even cover what I'm feeling right now.

Like I said, I just got finished with the PSAT. NaNoWriMo is going to basically take over my November, and now I might have not one, but two, tests in December.



Sunday, October 19, 2014

NaNoWriMo 2014

At this time, in a just little under two weeks, I'll be in the middle of my second day of NaNoWriMo. What is NaNoWriMo? I'm glad you asked (and if you didn't, I'm just going to pretend you did). NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. NaNo is exactly what it sounds like; starting November 1st, writers around the world attempt to write 50,000 words in one month.

Now, just for context, Fool Me Once..., my first ever semi-completed novel, took me a little under a year to complete, and it's only about 25,000 words. This pretty much goes without saying, but this is a very big undertaking for me. It's weird, I feel totally prepared, and at the same time completely unprepared.

I've got my characters all created and named (one of my absolute favorite parts), I'm happy with them, and I think (key word there is think) that my story world is pretty solid too. Only problem is that I have pretty much zero plot--but I think (there's that pesky think again) that's okay. I'm more of a pantser when I write.

To be quite honest, I'm terrified. I'm one of those annoying perfectionists and I'm worried I won't be able to reach my word count every day. Luckily, I've got a friend to help me. Emma (cue shameless plug-in) is one of the big reasons I'm even attempting NaNo in the first place. I'd heard about it but always figured, due to the lack of a completed novel,  it would be too hard.

So, in conclusion, this is probably going to be me in a couple of weeks (please direct your attention to the gif on your right).

I do wish you guys the best of luck if any of you are trying NaNo this year. I'm going to link my profile page here and if any of you want to brain storm, word war, or just cry about how many words we have to catch up on, shoot me a message.

Signing off,
