Monday, November 24, 2014

NaNoWriMo Update #4

Wow. I just…


Where did November even go you guys? Just a few days ago it was November 10th, I swear.

I can't believe NaNo is almost over. I can't believe I'm almost done with a freaking novel. Basically, I just can't believe this entire month. Like… Wow.

I'm feeling super accomplished (even though I've still got about 10k to do (10k? Pshaah. I've already done 40k, thank you very much)).

I'm getting really excited. I can see the end of the road, the top of the hill. I can taste the victory (or is that just all the chocolate I've ingested this month?). Both maybe?

I don't know. All I know is that I am killing it. Slaying. Slaughtering. Beasting. Whatever you wish to call it. Maybe I'm not moving as fast as I had originally planned, and I might not be going as fast as some of the other writers, but I am going far faster than I've ever gone before.

I've almost written a novel in a month! That's awesome! And that goes for anyone else who's working on NaNo. You're amazing. Think about how many people say they want to write a novel, and let's take it a step further, think about how many people started NaNo then just quit.

But not you. Not me. Let's win this together! Let's finish NaNo strong!


Alright… Onto the stats for today.
Words Completed Today: 2,201 (but I want to churn out a few more before the night's up)
Total Words Completed: 42,355

Favorite Snippet: Guardian spun around, flying backwards, and he exploded into light. The Dustless closest to us screamed, crumpling to the ground.
I felt panic spear through me. I hadn't realized they were that close. I hadn't even heard them.
A gunshot broke through the air and I spun around, my eyes wide. She lay on the ground, a Dustless twisted on top of her. Black blood dribbled from the hole in it's head onto her, burning dark against her skin.
She kicked it off of her and stared down at her arm in horror. Four arching scratch marks cut across her forearm and ruby red blood trickled down it, dripping from her elbow down onto the snow. It froze almost instantly.
The scarlet drops bounced against the ice, splattering in striking contract. I found a sick fascination in the color.

That's it for now. 

I'll see you guys at the end of the month, or maybe before. I want to do a Thanksgiving post, but I'm not sure how that'll work with actually doing Thanksgiving and NaNo too.

Happy Thanksgiving! Happy NaNo! Good Luck!!

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