Sunday, October 19, 2014

NaNoWriMo 2014

At this time, in a just little under two weeks, I'll be in the middle of my second day of NaNoWriMo. What is NaNoWriMo? I'm glad you asked (and if you didn't, I'm just going to pretend you did). NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. NaNo is exactly what it sounds like; starting November 1st, writers around the world attempt to write 50,000 words in one month.

Now, just for context, Fool Me Once..., my first ever semi-completed novel, took me a little under a year to complete, and it's only about 25,000 words. This pretty much goes without saying, but this is a very big undertaking for me. It's weird, I feel totally prepared, and at the same time completely unprepared.

I've got my characters all created and named (one of my absolute favorite parts), I'm happy with them, and I think (key word there is think) that my story world is pretty solid too. Only problem is that I have pretty much zero plot--but I think (there's that pesky think again) that's okay. I'm more of a pantser when I write.

To be quite honest, I'm terrified. I'm one of those annoying perfectionists and I'm worried I won't be able to reach my word count every day. Luckily, I've got a friend to help me. Emma (cue shameless plug-in) is one of the big reasons I'm even attempting NaNo in the first place. I'd heard about it but always figured, due to the lack of a completed novel,  it would be too hard.

So, in conclusion, this is probably going to be me in a couple of weeks (please direct your attention to the gif on your right).

I do wish you guys the best of luck if any of you are trying NaNo this year. I'm going to link my profile page here and if any of you want to brain storm, word war, or just cry about how many words we have to catch up on, shoot me a message.

Signing off,


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